
              #' Symlink a package with the appropriate version into the current library.
#' @param locked_package locked_package. In particular, the \code{version}
#'    and \code{name} elements will be used.
align <- function(locked_package) {
  if (is.list(locked_package) && !is.locked_package(locked_package)) {
    return(lapply(locked_package, align))



Make sure we have this package version in the lockbox secret library.



Symlink the locked package to the correct lockbox version.


`symlink_to_lockbox!` <- function(locked_package) {
  path <- file.path(libPath(), locked_package$name)
  if (is.symlink(path)) unlink(path, force = TRUE)
  symlink(lockbox_package_path(locked_package), path)


              #' Remove all packages from lockbox library.
#' @rdname cleanup
#' @export
emptybox <- function() {
  quietly(unlink(lockbox_library(), recursive = TRUE))



              #' Ensure package name and version exists in the lockbox secret library.
#' The lockbox package keeps a secret directory with the packages for
#' each given version. By default, this is in
#' \code{getOption("lockbox.lib")} or \code{"~/.R/lockbox"} if that option
#' is not set.
#' @param locked_package locked_package. In particular, \code{name} and
#'    \code{version} elements will be used. If the package version is
#'    not present in the lockbox, we will attempt to download it from
#'    CRAN or github.
#' @note The weird name is a derivative of a \href{}{Rubyism}
#'    to indicate some serious side effects can occur! In this case, we
#'    download the package from CRAN or github if the name + version combo
#'    does not exist.
#' @name ensure_package_exists_in_lockbox
`ensure_package_exists_in_lockbox!` <- function(locked_package) {
  if (!exists_in_lockbox(locked_package)) {

exists_in_lockbox <- function(locked_package) {

lockbox_package_path <- function(locked_package, library = lockbox_library()) {
  # The final package is stored in lockbox_lib_path/pkg_name/version/pkg_name
  # The trailing pkg_name is to ensure help files work, since these depend
  # on the directory name:
  file.path(library, locked_package$name, locked_package$version, locked_package$name)

`place_in_lockbox!` <- function(locked_package) {
  remote <- locked_package$remote %||% "CRAN"

    class = c(remote, class(locked_package))

install_package <- function(locked_package) {
  cat("Installing", crayon::green(locked_package$name),
      as.character(locked_package$version), "from", class(locked_package)[1], "\n")

install_package.local <- function(locked_package) {
  stopifnot(is.element("dir", names(locked_package)))
                      quiet = notTRUE(getOption("lockbox.verbose"))))

# Helpfully borrowed from
# Did not simply import the function because it introduces too many dependencies
#' @author Kirill Sevastyanenko
install_old_CRAN_package <- function(name, version, repo = "") {
  # List available packages on the repo. Maybe we can simply install.packages?
  available <- available.packages(contriburl =
    contrib.url(repos = "", type = "source"))
  available <- data.frame(unique(available[, c("Package", "Version")]))
  pkg <- available[available$Package == name, ]

  # Simply install.packages if version happens to be the latest available on CRAN.
  # You can specify the fastest CRAN mirror by setting the `lockbox.CRAN_mirror` option
  # or Rstudio mirror will be used by default.
  repos <- getOption('lockbox.CRAN_mirror') %||% c(CRAN = "")
  remote_version <- package_version(as.character(pkg$Version))
  if (dim(pkg)[1] == 1 && remote_version == version) {
      name, repos = repos, INSTALL_opts = "--vanilla",
      quiet = notTRUE(getOption('lockbox.verbose'))))

  # If we did not find the package on CRAN - try CRAN archive.
  from <- paste0(repo, "/src/contrib/Archive/", name, "/", name, "_", version, ".tar.gz")
  pkg.tarball <- tempfile(fileext = ".tar.gz")
  download.file(url = from, destfile = pkg.tarball)

  # We need to switch directories to ensure no infinite loop happens when
  # the .Rprofile calls lockbox::lockbox.
  old_dir <- getwd()
  tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "foo")
  dir.create(tmpdir, FALSE, TRUE)

  utils::install.packages(pkg.tarball, repos = NULL, type = "source",
                          INSTALL_opts = "--vanilla",
                          quiet = notTRUE(getOption("lockbox.verbose")))

install_package.CRAN <- function(locked_package) {
  # TODO: (RK) Fetch correct version? Support install from source?
  locked_package$repo <- locked_package$repo %||% ""
    install_old_CRAN_package(locked_package$name, locked_package$version))

#' @importFrom devtools install_github
install_package.github <- function(locked_package) {
  stopifnot(is.element("repo", names(locked_package)))

  ref <- locked_package$ref %||% locked_package$version
  # TODO: (RK) What if we just want latest from master?
  install_locked_package(locked_package, {
    arguments <- list(
      paste(locked_package$repo, ref, sep = "@"),
      reload = FALSE,
      quiet  = notTRUE(getOption('lockbox.verbose'))
    if (nzchar(token <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT"))) {
      arguments$auth_token <- token
    if (!is.null(locked_package$subdir)) {
      arguments$subdir <- locked_package$subdir
    }, arguments)

install_locked_package <- function(locked_package, installing_expr) {
  temp_library <- staging_library()
  pkgdir <- file.path(temp_library, locked_package$name)

  # For some reason, if the package already exists, R CMD INSTALL does not
  # let us install it.
  unlink(pkgdir, TRUE, TRUE)


Pretend our library path is the staging library during installation.

                testthatsomemore::package_stub("base", ".libPaths", function(...) temp_library, {

  if (!file.exists(pkgdir)) {
    unlink(temp_library, TRUE, TRUE)
    stop("Must have installed the package ",
         " of version ", sQuote(as.character(locked_package$version)))

  if ((ver <- package_version_from_path(pkgdir)) != locked_package$version) {
    unlink(temp_library, TRUE, TRUE)
      "Incorrect version of package %s installed. Expected ",
      "%s but downloaded %s instead."), sQuote(locked_package$name),
      sQuote(locked_package$version), sQuote(ver)), call. = FALSE)

  unlink(temp_library, TRUE, TRUE)

#' Find packages whose version does not match the current library's version.
#' @param locked_package locked_package.
#' @return TRUE or FALSE according as the current library's package version
#'   is incorrect.
version_mismatch <- function(locked_package) {
  !identical(current_version(locked_package), locked_package$version)

#' The current version of this package in the current library.
#' @param pkg character or locked_package. The name of the package.
#' @return a \code{\link{package_version}} object representing the version of
#'   this package in the current library.
current_version <- function(pkg) {

current_version.character <- function(package_name) {
  dcf <- description_file_for(package_name)
  if (is.null(dcf)) {
  } else {

current_version.locked_package <- function(package) {

description_file_for <- function(package_name) {
  dcf_file <- file.path(libPath(), package_name, "DESCRIPTION")
  if (file.exists(dcf_file)) {
  } else {


              #' Re-organize Search Path to Use Lockbox Library.
#' The lockbox package provides a separate directory, by default under
#' \code{"~/.R/.lockbox"} (although this is configurable from the global ption
#' \code{""}) that maintains different versions of packages
#' on demand. When a given set of versioned packages is requested, lockbox will
#' unload \emph{all other packages} and ensure only the given set of packages
#' with their respective versions are present.
#' Since lockbox maintains a separate directory for its library, it will not
#' interfere with R's usual packages or libraries when R is restarted.
#' @export
#' @param file_or_list character or list. A yaml-based lock file or its
#'    parsed out list format. This set of packages will be loaded into the
#'    search path and \emph{all other packages will be unloaded}.
lockbox <- function(file_or_list, env = getOption("lockbox.env", "!packages")) {
  UseMethod("lockbox", file_or_list)

#' @export
lockbox.character <- function(file, env) {
  lockbox(yaml::yaml.load_file(file), env)

#' @export
lockbox.list <- function(lock, env) {
  if (missing(env)) env <- "!packages"
  if (is.null(lock$packages))
    stop("Invalid config. Make sure your config format is correct")
  lock <-
    if (identical(env, "!packages") || is.null(lock[[env]])) {
    } else {
      lock <- lapply(lock$packages, function(package) {
        if(package$name %in% lock[[env]]) package else NULL
      lock <- lock[!sapply(lock, is.null)]

  lock <- lapply(lock, as.locked_package)



Find the packages whose version does not match the current library.

                mismatches <- vapply(lock, version_mismatch, logical(1))

  sapply(lock[!mismatches], function(locked_package) {
    cat('Using', crayon::green(locked_package$name), as.character(locked_package$version), '\n')


Replace our library so that it has these packages instead.



And re-build our search path.


#' @export
lockbox.default <- function(obj) {
    "Invalid parameters passed to ", sQuote("lockbox"), " method: ",
    "must be a ", sQuote("character"), " or ", sQuote("list"), " but ",
    "instead I got a ", sQuote(class(obj)[1]), "."

as.locked_package <- function(list) {
  stopifnot(is.element("name", names(list)),
            is.element("version", names(list)))

  if (is.element("repo", names(list)) && !is.element("remote", names(list))) {
    list$remote <- "github"

  if ($version))) {
    stop(sprintf("Invalid package %s version %s.",
                 sQuote(list$name), sQuote(list$version)))
  } else {
    list$version <- package_version(list$version)

  # TODO: (RK) Support CRAN version dependencies.
  structure(list, class = "locked_package")

is.locked_package <- function(obj) is(obj, "locked_package")

#' The secret lockbox library path.
lockbox_library <- function() {
  getOption("") %||% normalizePath("~/.R/lockbox", mustWork = FALSE)

#' The transient lockbox library path.
lockbox_transient_dir <- function() {
  getOption("lockbox.transient_dir") %||%
    normalizePath("~/.R/lockbox_transient", mustWork = FALSE)

#' The transient staging lockbox library path.
#' This will be used to copy interactively installed packages to
#' the vanilla library.
lockbox_transient_staging_dir <- function() {
  paste0(lockbox_transient_dir(), "_staging")

disallow_special_packages <- function(lock) {
  package_names    <- vapply(lock, `[[`, character(1), "name")

  if ("lockbox" %in% package_names) {
    stop("Lockbox cannot manage itself, Mr. Hofstadter.", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(package_names %in% special_namespaces)) {
    stop("Version maintenance of the following packages is not currently ",
      "supported by lockbox: ",
      paste(intersect(special_namespaces, package_names), collapse = ", "),
      ".", call. = FALSE)


              #' Bundler-style Package Management for R.
#' @name lockbox
#' @import testthatsomemore yaml digest utils
#' @docType package


              pending <- function() {



              #' Rebuild our current search path according to a list of locked packages.
#' As with the \href{}{nothing package},
#' this function will unload everything except the base R packages from the
#' search path prior to re-building.
#' @param packages list of locked_packages.
rebuild <- function(packages) {

  invisible(vapply(packages, attach, character(1)))

reset_search_path <- function() {
  # Helpfully borrowed from
  native_loaded_namespace <- intersect(loadedNamespaces(), native_namespaces)
  on.exit(lapply(native_loaded_namespace, loadNamespace), add = TRUE)
  repeat_count <- 0

  repeat {
    pkgs <- setdiff(loadedNamespaces(), special_namespaces)
    if (!length(pkgs)) break
    if (repeat_count > 25) {
      warning("Could not unload the following namespaces when loading ",
              "lockfile: ", paste(sQuote(pkgs), collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

    for (pkg in pkgs) {
      try(unloadNamespace(pkg), silent = TRUE)
    repeat_count <- repeat_count + 1

attach <- function(locked_package) {
  if (!identical(locked_package$load, FALSE)) {
    library(locked_package$name, character.only = TRUE)

native_namespaces <-
  c("base", "stats", "compiler", "datasets", "grDevices", "graphics", "grid",
    "methods", "parallel", "profile", "splines", "stats4", "tcltk",
    "tools", "translations", "utils", "lattice", "Matrix")

# These namespaces are particularly difficult to unload because of dependencies.
pesky_namespaces <-
  c("lockbox", "httr", "RCurl", "bitops", "crayon", "yaml", "testthat",
    "testthatsomemore", "stringr", "digest", "lubridate", "memoise",
    "plyr", "magrittr", "devtools", "Rcpp", "roxygen")

special_namespaces <- c(native_namespaces, pesky_namespaces)



              #' Construct a lockbox staging library.
#' To install a new package to the lockbox library, a virtual library is
#' constructed that is used during the installation process. This
#' function generates that library and returns its (temporary)
#' directory name. See the vignette on "Libraries in Lockbox" for more details.
#' @return the directory of the staging library. This should be unlinked 
#'   after use.
staging_library <- function() {
  # We need to be careful to pick a directory the user will always
  # have access to. The only guarantees we have are the lockbox directory
  # and lockbox transient library themselves.
  tempdir <- file.path(lockbox_library(), ".staging")
  dir.create(tempdir, FALSE, TRUE)  
  tempdir <- normalizePath(tempdir)

  # Iterate over libraries in reverse order so that libraries with overlapping
  # packages get the relevant version of the package symlinked.
  lapply(rev(.libPaths()), symlink_library, tempdir)


#' Symlink all packages from a destination library to a target library.
#' @param src character. The location of the library to use for
#'   generating symlinks
#' @param target character. The location of the library which will be
#'   populated with symlinked versions of the packages in the \code{destination}
#'   library.
symlink_library <- function(src, target) {
  packages <- list.files(src, full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(packages)) {
    new_packages <- file.path(target, basename(packages))
    Map(symlink, packages, new_packages, force = TRUE)

#' Copy real (non-symlinked) packages to the lockbox library.
#' @param staging_library character. The location of the staging library.
copy_real_packages_to_lockbox_library <- function(staging_library) {
  with_real_packages(staging_library, move_package_to_lockbox_library)

move_package_to_lockbox_library <- function(pkg_path) {
  tmp_path <- file.path(lockbox_library(), basename(pkg_path))
  new_path <- file.path(tmp_path, package_version_from_path(pkg_path), basename(pkg_path))
  dir.create(dirname(new_path), FALSE, TRUE)
  unlink(new_path, TRUE, TRUE)
  file.rename(pkg_path, new_path)

with_real_packages <- function(libpath, action) {

  packages <- list.files(libpath, full.names = TRUE)
  packages <- Filter(Negate(is.symlink), packages)

  for (i in seq_along(packages)) {



              #' @export
setNames <- function(object = nm, nm) {
  names(object) <- nm

#' @export
packageVersion <- function (pkg, lib.loc = NULL) {
  res <- suppressWarnings(utils::packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc, fields = "Version"))
  if (!
  else stop(gettextf("package %s not found", sQuote(pkg)), domain = NA)

#' @export
untar <- function(...) {



              `%||%` <- function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else x

notTRUE <- Negate(isTRUE)

libPath <- function() {
  lib <- .libPaths()[2L] # We use the second index to skip the transient stagin library.
  if (identical(lib, .Library)) {
    # We *never* want to accidentally manipulate the system library!
    stop("Something went wrong, restart R or lockbox.")

lockbox_imports <- function() {
  dcf <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "lockbox", lib.loc = .Library)
  Filter(nzchar, strsplit(read.dcf(dcf)[,"Imports"], "[\n, ]+")[[1]])

#' @author Kevin Ushey
#' @source \url{}
symlink <- function(from, to, force = FALSE) {
  if (isTRUE(force) && file.exists(to)) unlink(to, force = TRUE)

  if ( Sys.junction(from, to)
  else file.symlink(from, to)

#' @author Kevin Ushey
#' @source \url{} <- function() {["sysname"] == "Windows"

#' @author Kevin Ushey
#' @source \url{}
is.mac <- function() {["sysname"] == "Darwin"

#' @author Kevin Ushey
#' @source \url{}
is.linux <- function() {["sysname"] == "Linux"

#' @author Kevin Ushey
#' @source \url{}
is.symlink <- function(path) {


Strip trailing '/'

                path <- gsub("/*$", "", path)


Sys.readlink returns NA for error, “” for 'not a symlink', and for symlink return false for first two cases, true for second

                result <- Sys.readlink(path)
  if ( FALSE
  else nzchar(result)

quietly <- function(expr) {

package_version_from_path <- function(pkg_path) {
  package_version(unname(read.dcf(file.path(pkg_path, "DESCRIPTION"))[, "Version"]))

#' @useDynLib lockbox duplicate_lockbox_
duplicate <- function(x) {
  .Call(duplicate_lockbox_, x, PACKAGE = "lockbox")



              .lockbox_env <- new.env()

set_transient_library <- function() {
  if (!is.null(.lockbox_env$old_dir)) return()

  dir <- lockbox_transient_dir()
  if (!file.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir, FALSE, TRUE)
  .lockbox_env$old_dir <- .libPaths()

  # We add one final library path: a transient staging library
  # that is used to copy over installed packages to the vanilla
  # library.
  transient_staging_path <- lockbox_transient_staging_dir()
  if (!file.exists(transient_staging_path)) {
    unlink(transient_staging_path, TRUE, TRUE)
    dir.create(transient_staging_path, FALSE, TRUE)
  .libPaths(c(transient_staging_path, dir, .libPaths()))

set_default_mirror <- function() {
  # Set default CRAN mirror to Rstudio's unless the user requests not to.
  if (is.null(getOption("lockbox.disable_default_mirror"))) {
    if (is.null(getOption("repos"))) {
      .lockbox_env$old_opts <- 
        options(repos = structure(c(CRAN = "")))

# If a parent directory has a lockfile.yml, load it when the package is attached.
load_project <- function(path = getwd()) {
  has_lockfile <- function(path) {
    file.exists(file.path(path, "lockfile.yml"))

  is_root <- function(path) {
    identical(path, dirname(path))

  path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE)
  while (!has_lockfile(path) && !is_root(path)) {
    path <- dirname(path)

  if (!is_root(path)) {
    lockbox(file.path(path, 'lockfile.yml'))
  } else if (!is.null(getOption("lockbox.default"))) {

# Move non-symlinks from transient library to real library in case
# user installs packages while using lockbox. See the addTaskCallback
# in .onLoad
sanitize_transient_library <- function(...) {
  transient_staging_lib <- lockbox_transient_staging_dir()
  # Exclude the lockbox transient library and transient staging library.
  lib <- setdiff(.libPaths(), c(libPath(), transient_staging_lib))[1L] 

  pkg_moved <- character(0)
  with_real_packages(transient_staging_lib, function(pkgpath) {
    pkgname   <- basename(pkgpath)                   
    pkg_moved <<- c(pkg_moved, pkgname)
    newpkg    <- file.path(lib, pkgname)

    unlink(newpkg, TRUE, TRUE)
    file.rename(pkgpath, newpkg)

  if (length(pkg_moved)) {
    warning("You just installed the following packages while using lockbox:\n\n",
            paste(paste("-", pkg_moved), collapse = "\n"),
            "\n\nThese have been moved from ", sQuote(transient_staging_lib),
            " to ", sQuote(lib), ". In general, you should only install ",
            "packages in an R session that does not use lockbox, e.g., ",
            "by calling ", sQuote("R --vanilla"), " in the terminal.",
            call. = FALSE)


.onLoad <- function(pkg, libPath) {
  addTaskCallback(sanitize_transient_library, "lockbox_callback")

.onAttach <- function(pkg, libPath) {
  if (isTRUE(getOption("lockbox.autoload", TRUE))) { 

.onUnLoad <- function(pkg) {

  if (exists("old_opts", envir = .lockbox_env, inherits = FALSE)) {