#' @include traversal.R
We use R6 instead of the built-in reference classes for several reasons.
A graph is better represented as a reference object, rather than an S3 or S4 class, to allow for mutability. That being said, it is certainly possible to create an S3 or S4 equivalent.
A graph node is primarily defined by its value and its edges. A (connected) graph is identified by any node, as it is possible to recover the rest of the graph through traversal.
#' An R6 representation of a node for a graph data structure.
#' @name graphNode
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
graphNode_ <- R6::R6Class("graphNode",
public = list(
.edges = list(),
.backwards_edges = list(),
.value = NULL,
.address = NULL,
initialize = function(value) {
self$.value <- value
self$.address <- pryr::address(self)
value = function() {
add_edge = function(node) {
stopifnot(is(node, "graphNode"))
# Avoid copy creation.
self$.edges[[node$address()]] <- node
add_backwards_edge = function(edge_node) {
stopifnot(is(edge_node, "graphNode"))
self$.backwards_edges[[edge_node$address()]] <- edge_node
edges = function() {
backwards_edges = function() {
num_edges = function() {
address = function() {
A little trick to ensure that a graphNode can be constructed both as
graphNode(...) and graphNode$new(...)
#' @rdname graphNode
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to graphNode initialization.
#' @export
graphNode <- structure(
function(...) { graphNode_$new(...) },
class = "graphNode_"
To make the above trick work, we need to prevent access to everything except
#' @export
`$.graphNode_` <- function(...) {
stopifnot(identical(..2, "new"))
#' Check whether an R object is a graphNode object
#' @export
#' @param obj any object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is of class
#' \code{graphNode}, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
is.graphNode <- function(obj) {
inherits(obj, "graphNode")
# # # # Graph # # # #
#' An R6 representation of a graph data structure.
#' All graphs are assumed to be connected (if they are not, use a list
#' of graphs instead). Any distinguished canonical node on the graph,
#' called the boot node, will be used to represent the entire graph
#' and will be the first node for purposes of traversal.
#' @name graph
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
graph_ <- R6::R6Class("graph",
public = list(
.bootnode = NULL,
initialize = function(bootnode) {
stopifnot(is(bootnode, "graphNode"))
self$.bootnode <- bootnode
bootnode = function() {
bootnode_value = function() {
size = function() {
counter <- list2env(list(n = 0), parent = emptyenv())
strategy <- graphBFSTraversalStrategy$new(function(node) { counter$n <- counter$n + 1 })
A little trick to ensure that a graph can be constructed both as
graph(...) and graph$new(...)
#' @rdname graph
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to graph initialization.
#' @export
graph <- structure(
function(...) { graph_$new(...) },
class = "graph_"
To make the above trick work, we need to prevent access to everything except
#' @export
`$.graph_` <- function(...) {
stopifnot(identical(..2, "new"))
#' Check whether an R object is a graph object
#' @export
#' @param obj any object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is of class
#' \code{graph}, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
is.graph <- function(obj) {
is(obj, "graph") || inherits(obj, "graph")
#' Graphrunner is a directed graph task execution engine
#' Most collections of tasks can be represented as cyclic or
#' acyclic directed graphs. This package makes the management
#' and execution of such graphs of tasks straightforward.
#' @docType package
#' @name graphrunner
#' @import crayon pryr R6
#' @author Robert Krzyzanowski <\url{http://syberia.io}>
#' @seealso The core function in this package: \code{\link{stagerunner}}. It
#' defines the constructor creating graphrunner objects that allow you to
#' wrap complicated task execution structures in a single object.
#' @references Full documentation and demos: \url{http://robertzk.github.io/graphrunner/};
#' FAQ's: \url{http://robertzk.github.io/graphrunner/faq/}
#' An R6 representation of a graph traversal strategy.
#' A graph traversal strategy specifies how to execute tasks on
#' a given graph.
#' @name graphTraversalStrategy
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
graphTraversalStrategy <- R6::R6Class('graphTraversalStrategy',
public = list(
.visited = logical(0),
.strategy = NULL,
initialize = function(strategy) {
self$.strategy <- strategy
traverse = function(node) {
#' A breadth-first traversal strategy.
#' This graph traversal strategy begins from the boot node and
#' traverses "breadth-first" outward.
#' @name graphTraversalStrategy
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
graphBFSTraversalStrategy <- R6::R6Class('graphBFSTraversalStrategy',
inherit = graphTraversalStrategy,
public = list(
traverse = function(node, directed = FALSE) {
if (is.graph(node)) {
self$.visited <- logical(0)
on.exit(self$.visited <- logical(0))
self$traverse(node$bootnode(), directed = directed)
} else if (is.graphNode(node)) {
if (isTRUE(self$.visited[node$address()])) {
self$.visited[node$address()] <- TRUE
edges <- node$edges()
if (!isTRUE(directed)) {
# Go through edges *and* backwards edges in case some nodes
# are directionally isolated (e.g., they flow out to the bootnode,
# but the bootnode does not flow back to the through any path).
edges <- c(edges, node$backwards_edges())
for (edge in edges) {
if (!isTRUE(self$.visited[edge$address()])) {
self$traverse(edge, directed = directed)
} else {
stop("Can only traverse a graph or graphNode.")